Visitors can enjoy a spooky half term at Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm from 24 October – 1 November with plenty of creepy crawlies and pumpkins to keep the whole family entertained. During the scariest time of the year visitors can discover an assortment of creepy crawly spiders, predatory beetles, a dessert hairy scorpion and the latest inhabitants in Minibeast Metropolis – three Dying Poison Arrow Frogs.

The Frogs, also known as Dendrobates tinctorius matecho, originate from French Guiana and get their name from the misconception that natives used to use the brightly coloured frogs to dye fabric. They are a bold, vibrant frog, yellow on the back and blue on the legs and can grow up to two inches long, making it one of the largest species of poison frogs. True to their name, poison frogs are among the most toxic animals on Earth!
On 30 & 31 October visitors are encouraged to join the team for some Halloween fun and dress up as their favourite Halloween character. As Halloween approaches and the veil between the world draws thin watch out for the terrifyingly real messages from beyond the grave that will appear around the Butterfly Farm!

Jane Kendrick, Marketing Manager at Stratford Butterfly Farm said “During the half term we will have several scary insects on display which vary in size and colour but are safely behind glass. We do hope our younger visitors will dress up to celebrate Halloween and the spookier the better!”
Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm, in line with government regulation, is a COVID-19 Secure Environment with social distancing measures and COVID-19 controls in place. Tickets must be booked online by visiting the website at

To see hundreds of spectacular butterflies, insects, reptiles, and spiders visit the Butterfly Farm from 10am. Open every day of the week except Christmas Day. For more information including admission prices and last entry times, please visit the website at or telephone on 01789 299288.